Dec 4 – Doors open at 6:30pm for 7:30pm start. QFS and Aussie Wildlife Supplies sales tables from 6:30-7:30pm.
School of Arts Hall – Cnr Wynnum and Thynne Rds, Morningside

Our guest speaker this Friday night is Greg Howell – ‘Breeding Birds in the Philippines – birds and challenges’

Greg grew up in Tamworth NSW and has had a long interest in finch aviculture since being introduced to birds by his uncle, Neville Kitney, a well-known aviculturist in the Riverina. He has a broad interest in Estrildid finches and in rainbowfish. After completing a PhD in plant reproductive biology at the University of Melbourne in 1995 Greg spent some time at Yanco, but then moved to the Philippines when his wife got a job at the International Rice Research Institute in 2004.

As a “trailing spouse” Greg had time to indulge in his hobbies in a very different environment and animal keeping culture to what we know in Australia. His talk will compare and contrast birdkeeping in Australia and the Philippines and give you a glimpse into the joys and frustrations of Greg’s bird keeping exploits in the Philippines.

Greg’s talk will be preceded by a Mini-Auction of 30 lots. This will also be our Christmas meeting and we will provide some Christmas fair for everyone. The meeting will be face to face at Morningside and also on ZOOM for members. Would be great to see you there.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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Come and join us for the QFS 2020 Annual General Meeting.
6th November 2020
6:30pm for a 7:30pm start
Cnr Wynnum and Thynne Roads, Morningside or via Zoom link (emailed to financial members)

Guest David Boyd (NSW)
“Bird Keeping and the importance of Record Keeping”

November is our AGM and so we will have some reporting and formality to completed. After that our speaker will be David Boyd coming in via Zoom from Sydney.

David originates from New Zealand where he studies Zoology and Natural Resource Management and then moved to Sydney in 1988 over thirty years ago. David kept finches and canaries in New Zealand from a very young age. Once in Australia his boys had finches and when David later moved to acreage just outside Sydney, he was able to build his current excellent aviary setup. In this talk David will provide a tour of his aviaries and the collection of finches he now keeps. However, David will also present some thoughts on record keeping for finch keepers which could benefit the whole hobby. This will be an interesting presentation.

If you’re in Brisbane come along to Morningside for the AGM and Davids talk or join Via ZOOM (financial members will be emailed Zoom link in days prior).

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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The next Qld Finch Society general meeting will take place on October 2 at 7:30pm

Covid Safe on-site at the Morningside School of Arts Hall (Cnr Wynnum and Thynne Rds, Morningside) or virtually through Zoom (link to be emailed to members this week.

“Weeds and Greens for Birds”
Martin Thorn is long standing President of the Beenleigh Bird Breeders Club in Brisbane and has been keeping birds since he was 12. He loves all birds and although he has concentrated largely on parrots he has dabbled with a few finches from time to time. He describes himself as a dedicated bird club man and he loves to share his knowledge with others. The topic of his talk is relevant to all bird breeders. A variety of greenfood is important for success with finches and parrots and Martin will work through the range of plants you can use. We will also have a short talk from Grant Shaw describing the small aviaries he builds for tight situations. The meeting will be face to face at Morningside and also on ZOOM for members. This will be a great meeting. Be there if you can.

Australian Wildlife Supplies will have their full range available on site between 6:30-7:30pm.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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The Queensland Finch Society will have its April General Meeting on 5 April 2019.

Held in the School of Arts Hall, Cnr Thynne and Wynnum RD’s, Morningside.
Doors will open at 6:30pm for a 7:30pm start.

Australian Wildlife Supplies and QFS Sales Tables’ operating from 6:30-7:30.

Some members may have birds for sale.

Main speaker:
Sheena De Jager Miles (Brisbane, Qld)
“A tour through the birds of the Walsrode Bird Park, Germany”.

Last year our Editor, Sheena, spent an extended period in Europe and found time to visit a few bird collections. Among them was the famed World Bird Park (Weltvogelpark) at Walsrode in Germany. This is the largest bird park in the world in terms of number of species and area. Only Jurong Bird Park in Singapore has more individual birds. Many of us would love to visit, but luckily Sheena is a keen photographer and she has captured images of many of the birds and of the layout of Walsrode. In this presentation Sheena will give her impression of the park, discuss the birds and some of the history to whet our appetites. An interesting meeting for sure.

Our meeting will commence with a Short Talk from Alan Hazleton on “My Different Aviaries”. This will be an introduction prior to an Aviary visit to Alan’s place on April 7.

Visitors welcome!

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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The Queensland Finch Society May Table Sale will happen on 19 May 2019.

Finches for sale to the general Public directly from QFS members and breeders.

Located in the School of Arts Hall, Cnr Thynne and Wynnum RD’s, Morningside

Doors will open at 9:30am. Sale concludes 11:30. Early worm gets the bird!!

Australian Wildlife Supplies will have there full sales table operating from rear of the hall from 8:30am. QFS Sales table operating inside from 9:30am.

Entry $2. Children free.

BBQ and drinks available on the day plus great raffles!

Buyer to produce printed copy of permit for purchase of any birds under licence. Movement advices available from the club in the day for a small fee.

Bring cash and carry cages.

Any and all enquiries to qfsevents@outlook.com or Ph Peter on 0411 727 034.

Contact Peter on above details to book at table. First in first served. Limited spots.
Bench fees $1 per bird tabled. (Zebs/Bengalese/quail 50c)
Qld Finch Society Code of Conduct must be complied with. Copy available upon booking.
No hybrids. No uncoloured gouldians.
Bring a supply of change.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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“Melanin Pigmentation in Finches part 2 : What is that mutation?”

Speaker: Dr Terry Martin
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 6 December 2024
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.

Terry Martin is a practising vet in Brisbane and is well known in Zebra Finch circles as one of the initiators of the National Zebra Finch Show, of Zebra Finch standards and as keen student of colour and how it is produced.

In December 2023 Terry gave part 1 of this talk on Melanin pigmentation when he focused on function and production of melanins and the colours they produce. In Part 2 Terry will explore how different genetic mutations which influence the melanin pathway are expressed to give the mutations we see in some of our finches. This will be a fascinating talk providing breeders with important basic knowledge needed to understand mutations. Dont miss Part 2 and also hear Terry discuss the evolution of colour in finches at the Finches ’25 convention.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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Decoding our birds – how do we define a management regime for each species?

Speaker: Mike Fidler
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 1 November 2024
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.

Renowned aviculturist, conservationist and Patron of QFS, Mike Fidler, will be our speaker for the AGM meeting in November and we are very pleased to have him back.

Mike established a worldwide reputation for his attention to detail and his constant experimenting for a better way as a Gouldian breeder in England, before moving to Australia to pursue his passion for the conservation of the wild Gouldian. He, and his wife Elisabeth, established the Save the Gouldian Fund and they have been the driving force behind an extensive research and on-ground conservation program.

At his magnificent breeding complex in the Watagan range north of Sydney, Mike seeks to understand the key to breeding success for all the species he works with and in this talk he will focus on the many aspects of defining a management regime tailored to particular species. This talk was given at the Finches ’22 Convention and is not to be missed as Mike will provide an information packed evening of value to all aviculturists. It will give you a taste of what you might hear at Finches ’25!

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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“Observation and implications in a mixed collection”

Speaker: Brad Mayger
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 6 September 2024
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.

I’ve been keeping and breeding birds for over 45 years. During this time, aviary design has changed, species availability has changed, and personal preferences have meant that different assets have been focused on in the aviaries.

I have always loved the diversity of avian fauna, and this has manifest in always keeping a mixed and rather eclectic collection of birds. Some of the implications of this desire to keep mixed collections was the compatibility of species, the type of housing required, and the general husbandry needed for a mixed collection. Planted aviaries have always been maintained, as to me they are not only extremely aesthetically pleasing, but also allow the occupants to exhibit more natural behaviours, such as foraging in foliage, and insect collection.

It is the intention of this talk to give you an overview of the types of aviaries I have had, the species assemblages housed in these, and some great plant species used to showcase both the aviaries and their occupants.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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When: July 4-6 2025
Where: University of Queensland, Brisbane
What: Aviary visits, 3 international presenters, 12 excellent national presenters, workshops, major raffle, conference dinner, awards, fun.

  • Support for juniors to attend.

  • Accommodation available on site. Meet with the best of Australia’s finch aviculturists.

  • Registration forms and accommodation booking forms available from Gary Fitt (gary.fitt@bigpond.com) or Peter Holley (peterholley21@gmail.com).

  • Spaces limited, book early.


Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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Bird Travel Experiences in Italy (November 2023) and Vietnam (January 2024)

Speaker: Gary Fitt & Cheryl Marles
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 2 August 2024
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.

Gary and Cheryl maintain a large collection of finches of many species and participate in finch showing, finch conservation and photography. They hosted an aviary visit and QFS show recently and have given many presentations to QFS. This one will cover two bird focussed trips from the last year.

Gary will talk about a trip to Italy in November 2023 which involved 5 days of visiting bird collections around northern Italy and culminated in attending the largest bird show in Italy, with 20,000 birds exhibited – an amazing experience. Cheryl will then talk about a bird photography trip to Vietnam with a small and dedicated band of photographers. Much time was spent in photographic hides and some stunning birds were seen as a result. Some of the locations were tough to get to but the results made it all worthwhile. Come along for a varied coverage of birds in aviculture and in the wild.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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“Experiences with Beautiful Firetails and Red Crested Finches”

Speaker: Dave Whaley
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 5 July 2024
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.

Our speaker for July is David Whaley, current President of the Mornington Peninsula Avicultural Society, member of Australian Aviculture Society, The Victorian Zebra Finch Society, and The Queensland Finch Society. David’s interest in birds is not just keeping them in captivity, he also enjoys travelling around Australia and the world seeing birds in captivity and in the wild, particularly species he keeps in his aviaries that appear in the wild. These highlights included Gouldian Finches in Wyndham (WA); Golden Shouldered Parrots in Queensland; and recently Turquoise Parrots near Wangaratta in Victoria.

David first started keeping birds at a young age when he kept budgerigars and zebra finches. In addition to breeding birds he enjoyed showing birds early on and has enjoyed experiencing this again in the last few years. Over the past 35 years, David has bred many other species, including large native Pigeons, Doves, Quail, Softbills, Parrots and Cockatoos, but his main passion is Finches and small Parrots, in particular rare and challenging species.

At the moment some of the birds he is concentrating on are Swift Parrots and Red and Blue Backed Western Rosellas. For QFS David will speak about his experiences of keeping Beautiful Firetails and Red Crested Finches – two challenging species. He will cover diet, housing, breeding and problems associated with these birds. Come along. We will persevere and try Zoom again.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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The advantages and disadvantages of large planted finch aviaries in Melbourne

Speaker: Ken Moore
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 7 June 2024 ( Second Friday of September )
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.

Ken and his wife live in the Yarra Ranges 60 km east of Melbourne. Like many of us Ken started young in the hobby of bird keeping with his first birds at 9 years old. Over the years he has kept parrots, finches, doves, quail, pheasants, Green peafowl and exotic waterfowl and over time built up a magnificent set of aviaries. At one time he also had several species of kangaroos and wallabies including some albino Red kangaroos, and a small herd of Indian Antelopes.

These days his collection is “much smaller”, though still huge, and features some great finches and parrots held in large planted open aviaries with small shelter areas. Ken concedes that he has always had a leaning towards finches – “They are so interesting to just sit and observe them going about their life”. In this talk Ken will reflect on his large planted finch aviaries – what was good, what was not. Which species did they suit and which not. You are sure to enjoy this presentation.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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Results of the 2023 Gouldian Count Part 2

Speaker: Gary Fitt
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 3 May 2024 ( Second Friday of September )
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Zoom: Not available for this meeting.

In Part 2 of these presentations on the 2023 Gouldian Count Gary Fitt will present the results obtained during the week long waterhole count and their relevance in the context of past population estimates and ongoing conservation of the endangered Gouldian finch. He will explain the value of work done by Save the Gouldian Fund and challenges in interpreting the seasonal changes in abundance of the wild Gouldian. Attend live or on Zoom.

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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The magic of the 2023 Gouldian Count Part 1

Speaker: Ian Brown
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 5 April 2024 ( Second Friday of September )
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Zoom: Not available for this meeting.

Our April meeting will cover all aspects of the 2023 Gouldian Count in the Kimberley with Ian Brown presenting a talk on “A Sojourn to the Gouldian Count in Wyndham” which will cover the thrills, spills, birds and fun during the multi- week roadtrip of Ian and Peter Holley to Wyndham and back in September last year. This meeting will provide some diverse information and images of birds and roads in inland Australia. Attend live. No Zoom available.


Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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My First Season with Red Siskins, a learning experience.

Speaker: Peter McDonald
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 1 March 2024 ( Second Friday of September )
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Or Zoom: link to be emailed to QFS members.

Our March meeting features Peter McDonald, long time QFS member who has served many roles on the Committee including President. Peter has extensive experience with many types of finches and particularly enjoys his huge free flight aviary which houses many species.

In this talk Peter will focus on the Red Siskin, a species which is new to him. In fact this is his first breeding season and he has several observations and experiences to share. Peter will also call on some experienced Red Siskin breeders for comment. Like the Green Singers which Peter has plenty of experience with, the Red Siskin is a cup nester but they are very different otherwise. Peter is learning about this species. Why not come along to learn too?

Join via Zoom if you can’t make it live.

Details for ZOOM connection as follows:
Topic: QFS March Meeting
Time: Mar 1, 2024 07:30 PM Brisbane

Meeting ID: 843 9934 0465
Passcode: 399398

Finch Information


The original title of this Chapter was going to simply be – Predators, however some predators are just that – predators, while some pests are just that – pests. […]

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Aviary Construction & Water

Design and aviary construction share many points in common. Before constructing your aviary, you must choose the type of aviary you want to construct and the design, including feeding/catching stations, […]

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Aviary Design

When you are considering building an Aviary it is a very wise move to visit as many aviaries as you can, to get a general understanding of all the various types of Aviary that can be built.  […]

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Showing Finches

With little or no fresh stock coming into the country, and very stringent controls on the taking of wild birds, it is imperative that we maintain the quality of our […]

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