
QFS May Finch Expo

The Queensland Finch Society’s May Finch Expo will be held on Sunday, 21st May, 2023, commencing at 10am, Morningside School of Arts Hall Cnr Wynnum & Thynne Roads, Morningside

The AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE SUPPLIES SALES TABLE will be open from 8:30am with a large range of avicultural products.

The QFS SALES TABLE and MEMBERSHIPS will be available in the hall once the sale commences. Refreshments & BBQ available – Ample Parking. Admission $2. Children free.


  • Fees – $1 per bird (50c – Zebras, Bengalese & King Quail) up to a max of $25 per seller.
  • All birds to be tabled between 8:00 to 9:00am.
  • Preference for birds to be sold in their box, but alternative selling arrangements are acceptable.
  • A transfer cage will be provided.
  • The Qld Finch Society Code of Conduct will be strictly supervised and non-compliant cages and
    caging of birds will be refused. Examples are no more than 2 birds in a QFS Auction Box or 4
    birds in a standard show cage.
  • Maximum of 2 sellers per table, if only a half table is required.
  • No uncoloured Gouldians.
  • No hybrids.
  • Bring a supply of change.

BOOK EARLY – Tables will be limited. To book a table space – email klaerdon@gmail.com or phone Jim on 0402 071 545 before 5:00pm Wednesday, 17th May, 2023.


  • A BRIEF viewing of birds available will be allowed from 9:15 to 9:45am. Strictly no buying at this time.
  • Buyers will then be allowed to enter the hall at 10am to commence the sale.
  • Sales concludes 12 noon.
  • Bring cash and provide correct change please.

NOTE: This sale is subject to the “Code of Conduct for QFS Functions” available on the QFS website: www.qfs.org.au

All enquiries to Email: klaerdon@gmail.com | Phone: Jim 0402 071 545


Call Us

Phone: 0404 279 921 (7-9pm)


Correspondence: PO Box 1600, Coorparoo DC 4151 QLD, Australia


Email: memberships@qfs.org.au

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