The advantages and disadvantages of large planted finch aviaries in Melbourne
Speaker: Ken Moore
Venue: Morningside Hall, corner Thynne Road and Wynnum Road, Morningside.
Date: 7 June 2024 ( Second Friday of September )
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Ken and his wife live in the Yarra Ranges 60 km east of Melbourne. Like many of us Ken started young in the hobby of bird keeping with his first birds at 9 years old. Over the years he has kept parrots, finches, doves, quail, pheasants, Green peafowl and exotic waterfowl and over time built up a magnificent set of aviaries. At one time he also had several species of kangaroos and wallabies including some albino Red kangaroos, and a small herd of Indian Antelopes.
These days his collection is “much smaller”, though still huge, and features some great finches and parrots held in large planted open aviaries with small shelter areas. Ken concedes that he has always had a leaning towards finches – “They are so interesting to just sit and observe them going about their life”. In this talk Ken will reflect on his large planted finch aviaries – what was good, what was not. Which species did they suit and which not. You are sure to enjoy this presentation.