
July 2022 General Meeting

“A Beginner’s Tale”

Guests: Greg Simmons, George Brandt
Venue: Hall, corner of Wynnum & Thynne Rds, Morningside.
Date: 8 July 2022
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Sales Tables: from 6:30 – 7:30pm.
Or Zoom: link to be emailed to QFS members.

This meeting will include some comments on the recent Finches ’22 Convention held in Brisbane, along with a short talk, the main presentation, a great raffle with a pair of birds to win, and lots of bird chatter at supper.

The Short Talk will be from Greg Simmons speaking about “My aviaries and birds”.

The main presentation will be from George Brandt speaking on the topic of ”A Beginners Tale”.

George kept birds way back in the 1960’s when according to him all you needed was a decent trap to stock an aviary. There wasn’t too much attention paid to nutrition and housing in those times by young boys. Teenage years, distractions, marriage and children then intervened and George had no birds for a long time. However, now retired he has more time and returned to finches. George joined QFS to round out his knowledge of Finches and also joined the Committee and recently attended the Finches ’22 Convention. He has quickly learned that he never knew much about finches back in the 60’s. In reality, he says he is now a Beginner and his talk is designed to encourage others to give Finch Keeping a go and show that you don’t need a big aviary setup to find great pleasure and some success.

This will be an interesting talk and might prompt a few other new members to consider giving a talk in future. So come along or Zoom in.


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Phone: 0404 279 921 (7-9pm)


Correspondence: PO Box 1600, Coorparoo DC 4151 QLD, Australia


Email: memberships@qfs.org.au

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