
August 2022 Meeting

“Munias, Mannikins, Nuns and More”

Guest: Tus Van Genderen
Venue: Hall, corner of Wynnum & Thynne Rds, Morningside.
Date: 5 August 2022
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Sales Tables: from 6:30 – 7:30pm.
Or Zoom: link to be emailed to QFS members.

Tus has lived and bred birds in the UK, USA, Asia and Europe. He started with breeding budgies in 1969 and after being given some Zebra finches and a few Bengalese in 1972 he then converted to breeding native Australian finches. At times when he was unable to keep birds he still visited bird clubs and attended local bird shows and became a birdwatcher, studying finches in their wild environment wherever possible.

He has bred Bantams, Pheasants, Peacock, Guinea fowl, Quails, a lot of the smaller parrot species but… since moving to Brisbane Tus has focused on breeding finches from the genus Lonchura (Mannikins/Munias/Nuns). The decline in their popularity and the number of species remaining in Australia was very distressing. Therefore, he decided to focus on the “Brown finches” and set out to learn as much about this group of finches as possible.

His presentation will cover a range of species often called Munias, Mannikins or Nuns (Genus: Lonchura), many of which are declining in Australia aviaries. This will be an interesting and topical presentation. See you there.


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Phone: 0404 279 921 (7-9pm)


Correspondence: PO Box 1600, Coorparoo DC 4151 QLD, Australia


Email: memberships@qfs.org.au

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