
4 Dec 2020 General Meeting – Greg Howell & Mini Auction

Dec 4 – Doors open at 6:30pm for 7:30pm start. QFS and Aussie Wildlife Supplies sales tables from 6:30-7:30pm.
School of Arts Hall – Cnr Wynnum and Thynne Rds, Morningside

Our guest speaker this Friday night is Greg Howell – ‘Breeding Birds in the Philippines – birds and challenges’

Greg grew up in Tamworth NSW and has had a long interest in finch aviculture since being introduced to birds by his uncle, Neville Kitney, a well-known aviculturist in the Riverina. He has a broad interest in Estrildid finches and in rainbowfish. After completing a PhD in plant reproductive biology at the University of Melbourne in 1995 Greg spent some time at Yanco, but then moved to the Philippines when his wife got a job at the International Rice Research Institute in 2004.

As a “trailing spouse” Greg had time to indulge in his hobbies in a very different environment and animal keeping culture to what we know in Australia. His talk will compare and contrast birdkeeping in Australia and the Philippines and give you a glimpse into the joys and frustrations of Greg’s bird keeping exploits in the Philippines.

Greg’s talk will be preceded by a Mini-Auction of 30 lots. This will also be our Christmas meeting and we will provide some Christmas fair for everyone. The meeting will be face to face at Morningside and also on ZOOM for members. Would be great to see you there.


Call Us

Phone: 07 3802 1511 (7-9pm)


Correspondence: PO Box 1600, Coorparoo DC 4151 QLD, Australia


Email: memberships@qfs.org.au

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