
1 April – Shane Hauschildt

“My finch collection, my experiences….”

Guest: Shane Hauschildt

Venue: Hall, corner of Wynnum & Thynne Rds, Morningside.
Time: 6:30pm for 7:30pm start.
Sales Tables: from 6:30 – 7:30pm.
Or Zoom: link to be emailed to QFS members.

Anyone who has visited Shane Hauschildt will know him as one of the most accomplished finch breeders in south-east Queensland. Shane has kept birds for 25 years now and in the last 10 years has built a magnificent complex of aviaries where he applies meticulous care for his birds. Clean, never overcrowded and with a consistent, well designed diet, Shane achieves great results with a range of native and foreign species. He has had success and heartache with species like Bluecaps and Lesser Redbrows, but on the whole he consistently produces top birds.

Shane is also a breeder of top quality Droughtmaster cattle and for a time he was showing his finches and his cattle at local shows, both with great success. But these days he only shows cattle. This will be Shane’s first ever talk about his birds and will be an opportunity to draw out his wisdom. Be there or be on Zoom.


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Phone: 07 3802 1511 (7-9pm)


Correspondence: PO Box 1600, Coorparoo DC 4151 QLD, Australia


Email: memberships@qfs.org.au

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